Reforms already in effect
Here is what you need to know about the WA rent reforms:
New and updated forms now available:
- pet request form for tenants and landlords
- Minor modification request form for tenants and landlords
- updated tenancy forms for landlords and property managers
The following changes are already in effect.
Rent bidding ban
A tenant cannot be pressured into paying more money to help them secure an available rental property. Visit the Rent bidding page for more information.
Retaliatory action
If a tenant believes their landlord or agent is taking action against them for exercising their rental rights (known as retaliatory action), they can challenge that action in the Magistrate’s Court. See more about retaliatory action on the Resolving rental property issues page.
12 month rent rises
Rent increases will only be allowed once every 12 months. Visit the rent increase page for more information.
Pets welcome
In most cases pets are allowed, however tenants must seek permission. Visit the renting with pets page for more information.
Making changes to a rental home
To help make a rental feel like a home, small, personalised changes (known as minor modifications) will be allowed in most cases, however tenants must seek permission. Visit the making changes to a rental home page for more information including the list of modifications.
Consumer Protection Commissioner decisions
Disputes over tenants’ rights to have a pet, and make minor changes to a property will no longer have to go to court. Visit the Commissioner determinations page for more information.
Expected to be in effect in 2025
Bond release
A streamlined bond release process will be much simpler and prevent disputes from going to court.
- A tenant, landlord or agent can ask for the release of the bond.
- The Bond Administrator will notify all of the other parties about the application. If the parties agree, then the bond will be paid.
- If the landlord and tenants do not agree, the Commissioner for Consumer Protection will hear from both sides and make a decision.
Need advice
The Consumer Protection Contact Centre can walk you through the reforms and what they mean for you. Call 1300 30 40 54 or email
Subscribe to Consumer Protection tenant or industry bulletins for regular updates, including start dates for individual reforms.
Want to know more?
- Frequently asked questions for property managers, private landlords, and tenant advocacy agencies
- Watch the video for everyone renting in WA - WA Rent Reform video (2mins)
- The Residential Tenancies Amendment Act 2024 was passed by the Western Australian Parliament on 16 April 2024.
- Minister's statement: Funding boost for WA's tenancy reforms as they pass Parliament
- Planning for Stage Two of the WA Rent Reforms is now in progress. Updated information will be available on the Residential Tenancies Act review page.