Consultations and reports
Consumer Protection conducts a number of public consultations and reviews each year. To be kept up to date with consultation announcements follow us on Twitter or 'Like' us on Facebook
Consultation hubs
- Consumer Protection's Consultation Hub
- Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) consultation hub
Closed consultations and reports
The following lists previous (closed) public consultations and reviews conducted by Consumer Protection.
Reviews can be run over a number of years. They are listed under the year they are closed.
For copies of papers, submissions and other documents relating to closed public consultations and reviews not available on this website, please contact us. Please advise if you have any accessibility requirements.
Consumer Protection administers a vast array of legislation – more information is available from the Consumer Protection legislation page.
- Prepaid funerals
- Petroleum Retailers Rights and Liabilities Act review
- Commercial Tenancy law review
- Aboriginal Consumers Count
- Continuing Professional Development (CPD) review for the property industry
- Country of origin labelling for seafood in hospitality: discussion paper (Commonwealth)
- Family domestic violence tenancy laws review
- Commercial Tenancy law review
- Funeral Pricing Code of Practice Consultation
- Associations Incorporation Act review
- Residential Tenancies Act review
- Review of the Disposal of Uncollected Goods Act
- Regional Services Review Consultation Paper September 2019
- Retirement village law reforms
- Free-range egg labelling (Commonwealth)
- Consumer guarantee framework (Commonwealth consultation)
- Consumer issues impacting Indigenous people (Commonwealth)
- Auction sales review
- Country of Origin Food Labelling Consultation (Commonwealth)
- Co-operatives Regulations amendments review for implementation of national law 2016
- Australian Consumer Law review (Commonwealth)
- Improving the interaction between residential tenancy laws and family violence restraining orders
- Settlement Agents Code of Conduct consultation
- Land Valuers Code of Conduct
- Real Estate and Business Agents and Sales Representatives Code of Conduct consultation
- Country of origin food labelling (Commonweath)
- Motor vehicle dealers and repairers law reform
- Employment Agents Act review
- Fee deregulation for settlement agents and land valuers
- Commercial tenancy - Access in the retail tenancy market
- Extending Unfair Contract Term Protections to Small Businesses (Commonweath)
- Proposed changes to model rules for incorporated associations
- Retirement villages code and regulations review
- Limited partnerships law review
- Residential parks law review
- Associations Incorporation Act consultation
- Review on displaying of fuel price boards and impact on current WA laws
- Travel agent licence review
- National licensing (NOLs) in Western Australia review
- Unsolicited consumer agreements - Door to door sales consultation (Commonweath)
- Property industry codes of conduct review 2013
- Motor vehicle dealers and repairers law review 2013
- Residential parks review
- Residential tenancy regulations review
- Residential parks law review
- Proposal to align with the Co-operatives National Law consultation
- Licensing of Strata Managers in Western Australia consultation