Consumer Protection sought community feedback about whether new laws should be introduced to regulate boarding and lodging in WA.
- Status: CLOSED, Friday 30 June 2017
Boarders and lodgers are currently not covered by the Residential Tenancies Act, although boarding premises accommodating six or more people need to be registered with local government and comply with planning, health and other regulations.
Occupants of boarding houses have diverse backgrounds. Many are vulnerable people on low incomes such as the unemployed, disability pensioners and single parents. However, students, seasonal workers, backpackers, fly in/fly out workers and retirees may also use boarding arrangements. There are also a few who choose this style of housing because of low establishment costs and flexibility.
Current consultation phase
Comments were sought on the Consultation Regulatory Impact Statement (CRIS).
The public consultation on this issue was been designed to gain a full understanding of the issues that may affect the boarding industry and those who choose this type of accommodation.
The information provided will help determine what new laws, if any, are required to protect both the owners of the properties and the tenants who reside in them.
Key points of the consultation
Full details of the consultation are in the CRIS paper, however, the main options being considered include:
- making no changes to the law;
- introducing new laws specifically designed to reflect the unique needs of boarding and lodging style accommodation;
- introducing occupancy principles which would provide a framework within which parties could continue to negotiate their own agreements; and
- introducing an industry code of practice.
Downloads and resources
- Consultation Regulatory Impact Statement (CRIS) (current paper)
Have your say
Submissions are now closed.
The feedback on the paper/changes/proposed recommendations set out in the Consultation Regulatory Impact Statement will assist the Government in making a decision the proposals.
Enquiries can be made by email.