The Disposal of Uncollected Goods Act 1970 (DUG Act) is being reviewed to examine the processes for disposing of uncollected goods
Status: CLOSED, closed 31 October 2019.
The purpose of this review is to update the DUG Act’s provisions, which are outdated and do not take into account major advances in technology and communications, and reduce the regulatory burden placed on receivers of goods while maintaining appropriate levels of protection for owners of goods.
Current consultation phase:
We need your views and opinions to develop laws to better suit the needs of people and businesses who are left in possession of other peoples uncollected goods, and implement new processes which make it cheaper, easier and quicker to dispose of uncollected goods
This phase of the consultation is to collect your views on current legislation and suggested changes to the legislation.
Current issues and possible matters for reform
Full details on issues identified appear in the report, however, main areas of reform include:
- Reducing the timeframes for disposing of uncollected goods.
- Removing requirements to publish notices in the Government Gazette and a daily newspaper.
- Introducing three categories of goods based on the value of the goods and requiring less formality to dispose of lower value goods.
- Adopting a more flexible approach for disposing of most uncollected goods eg by private sale and/or auction rather than just by auction.
- Questioning the necessity of notifying the police prior to selling or disposing of uncollected goods.
- Utilising the Personal Property Securities Register for identifying persons who may have an interest in an uncollected good.
- Identify appropriate circumstances when a court order is necessary to dispose of uncollected goods.
Downloads and resources
- Issues Paper - Review of the Disposal of Uncollected Goods Act 1970
Have your say
Your feedback on the questions set out in the issues paper will assist the Government in making a decision on the proposals.
Your written feedback can be submitted by:
- Mail:
Review of the Disposal of Uncollected Goods Act 1970
Department of Mines, Industry Regulations and Safety (Consumer Protection Division)
Locked Bag 100
East Perth WA 6892
Enquiries can be made by calling Consumer Protection Advice Line on 1300 30 40 54 or by email.
Disposal of Uncollected Goods Act
The Disposal of Uncollected Goods Act 1970 (WA) purpose is to provide businesses with a way to dispose of goods that owners have forgotten to collect or abandoned and not face the risk of later court action by owners to recover loss. this issues paper to commence the review and as a first step in providing advice to Government as part of its regulatory reform agenda to ensure that laws remain relevant to contemporary community needs.
Review of the Disposal of Uncollected Goods Act 1970 - Issues paper