Rental forms and notices

Last updated: 20 November 2024

There are a number of notices designed to help the landlord, property manager and tenant/s manage their rental property.

If you do need to issue a notice, you must follow certain steps. Using notices and counting days pages cover the processes in more detail.

If a tenancy issue develops, try to negotiate a resolution with the other person before issuing a notice. If the matter ends up in court, the person who prepared the notice would have to prove it had been served correctly.

Please note: 

  • PRESCRIBED forms are not to be altered except for property condition reports where extra content can be added.  All content must remain on the form and not be deleted or changed. 
  • MANDATORY forms must be used depending on the situation eg. disposal of goods, rent increase and family violence evidence.
  • HELPFUL / NOT MANDATORY forms are not required to be used but contain required or useful information depending on the situation.

More information

More information is available on using notices, plus in the below renting guides and videos.

You can also contact Consumer Protection contact centre on 1300 30 40 54 or by email.
