Magistrates Court

Last updated: 10 December 2024

If you have tried to resolve a problem with a business or landlord yourself or with our help, but have not reached a mutual agreement, the next step is going to court. 

The Magistrates Court has the power to settle tricky disputes that can't be resolved voluntarily. 

Going to the Magistrates Court in Western Australia

The following series of videos explores what going to court can be like as a consumer or renter in Western Australia.

Video 1: I think I need to go to court (04:32)

The idea of going to court can seem scary, but the Magistrates Court is all about fairness and justice. This video explains why making a court claim may be worthwhile. 

Video 2: What to expect when making your claim (04:18)

Once you decide to submit a court claim you may wonder where to begin. This video explains the different claim categories and how to make your claim.

Video 3: Preparing for your day in court (04:56)

Going to court is not necessarily expensive or difficult, but you’ll want to make the best possible case. This video explains what happens after you’ve made a court claim and how to prepare for your day in court.

Video 4: Accepting a reasonable outcome (02:05)

During the court process you’ll be encouraged to work with the business or landlord to decide on a fair and reasonable outcome together. This video highlights the value of accepting a reasonable outcome.

Video 5: A guide to your day in court (04:53)

As your court date approaches, it’s natural to worry about the unknown. This video walks through what to expect on the day of your court appearance including where to go, who to speak to, what do to, and even what to wear.


More information

For more information about going to court and court orders. 
