Consumer complaint checklist

Last updated: 22 November 2024

You may find it useful to use this checklist and keep it with you when you make your complaint.  You can also find out what happens when you make a complaint.

The Department has produced fact sheets on the conciliation process and business tips for handling complaints

We recommend you have the ACCC Shopper app on your phone, for your Australian Consumer Law rights at your fingertips. You can use the app to:

  • find answers to common shopping questions such as ‘when can I get a refund?’ - you can even show it to a trader when trying to get your money back 
  • keep copies of receipts and set reminders for lay-bys, warranties and gift vouchers
  • write a complaint letter or email to a business.



Make a complaint

After you have tried to resolve the issue yourself without success you can make a formal complaint. If you need assistance please contact our contact centre on 1300 30 40 54.

Consumer complaint form
