Note: If your dispute is with a franchise (chain store), write to the store you originally dealt with, and send a copy to its head office.
Outline the history of your complaint:
- for products – state what you bought, when, where, and for what price
- for services – state the work you had done, when, where, for what price, and by who
- quote relevant account, customer, invoice, or serial numbers.
State the problem you have with the product or service – for example, was the product faulty or unfit for the purpose you specified? Include the date you first became aware of the problem.
Indicate the steps you have taken to resolve the issue, such as times you have visited, phoned or written to the trader, and the names of people you have dealt with.
Indicate that you have attached or enclosed copies of any supporting documents, such as:
- photos of problems with the product or service
- prior correspondence
- receipts (or other proof of purchase)
- warranties or guarantees
- contracts
- order forms.
Note: Send copies, not original documents. You may need these documents later if you take your complaint further.
If possible, get evidence such as an independent technical report to support your claim.
Clearly state how you would like your complaint resolved – for example, you want the trader or service provider to either:
- refund your money (or provide a credit note)
- repair the product
- replace the product
- fix the work (or pay for the work to be fixed by another service provider).
Give a reasonable timeframe for the trader to take action, such as 10 working days.
Optional addition: State that if you do not hear from the trader, you will take your complaint further (to the relevant complaints agency).
Include details of when and how you can be contacted.
Yours sincerely