Annual information statements *
An annual information statement is required to be lodged with Consumer Protection within six months after the end of the association’s financial year and confirms:
- the association’s address
- that the association has at least six voting members
- the date of the most recent Annual General Meeting; and
- the revenue for the most recent financial year.
The annual information statement can be submitted using AssociationsOnline. There is also a step-by-step video available about lodging the statement.
* Exemption for associations registered with the Australian Charities and Not-for-Profits Commission (ACNC) - associations that are also registered with the ACNC are exempt from providing Consumer Protection with an information statement. For more information see Exemptions on Associations information statement page.
Updating the association’s address
It is important to ensure the association’s contact address recorded with Consumer Protection remain up to date and correct. The Act requires associations to provide the Commissioner with an address and an address for service of notice and any changes to these addresses must be lodged within 28 days. The new address can be easily registered through AssociationsOnline.