Although not a general requirement under the Act, it is essential to keep accurate minutes of all association meetings. Minutes provide a record of what transpires at a meeting including who attended, the decisions made and resolutions passed.

It is important to ensure that someone is nominated to take the minutes and this is often the Secretary’s responsibility. Attendances and apologies should be noted as a record that there was a quorum present at a meeting. This is usually done at the beginning of a meeting, although if people leave early or arrive late it is a good idea to also keep a note of this.

The level of detail recorded in the minutes will vary between associations; some like to keep detailed minutes showing the main points discussed before a decision is made. Alternatively the minutes may only record the decisions and actions of the meeting.

The minutes should be presented for approval at the next meeting of a similar kind. Members should be given the opportunity to propose corrections to the minutes or request additional details of what occurred be recorded. Minutes should only be approved on the basis that they are a correct record of the meeting. It is good practice to have an office-bearer sign that the minutes are the approved minutes of the meeting.  When storing the minutes it can be useful to attach copies of any correspondence or other documents tabled at the meeting, attendance sheets and a copy of the notice.