Street collections
The Street Collections (Regulation) Act 1940 applies to any organisation conducting a street collection in the metropolitan area. A ‘public street’ includes private land used by the public for pedestrian traffic. The car parks and footpaths outside a shopping centre are therefore considered to be a street for the purposes of street collections.
Associations in regional areas should check with their local council whether there are any requirements for conducting a street collection.
A street collection permit is required whether or not the proceeds are to be used for a charitable purpose. Permits are obtained from Consumer Protection. The application must set out details of the purpose and locality of the street collection, and any other relevant information. Consumer Protection requires at least six weeks’ notice to process the application and issue the permit.
See Consumer Protection’s website for more information about street collections or to download an application form.
Door-to-door collections
An association with a charitable collections licence may carry out door to door collections from households between the hours of 9am and 6pm on Mondays to Saturdays. All collectors must be over 16 years old and must wear an identity badge.
More information about the requirements of collecting from private residences is available on Charity collection types page on Consumer Protection’s website.
Fundraising in shopping centres
Shopping centres are good places for raising funds because of the large numbers of people passing through. Shopping centres have their own policies and procedures for providing fundraising space and you should contact the centre management for more information and permission.
Lotteries and games
The Gaming and Wagering Commission Act 1987 allows permits to be issued to charitable groups, community based organisations and sporting bodies for the purpose of raising funds from gaming related activities such as:
- lotteries (raffles);
- trade promotion (e.g. colouring in competition or entries drawn randomly);
- video lottery terminals;
- bingo and two-up;
- sweepstakes and gaming functions; and
- football tipping competitions and minor fundraising activities.
Associations wishing to raise funds from one of these activities will in most cases need to obtain a permit from the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries - Racing, Gaming and Liquor Division (RGL). There are different application forms, conditions and fees for each lottery and gaming activity and more information is available from RGL website.
Selling food at fundraising events
Selling food is a very popular and profitable way of raising funds, whether it is a cake sale, a sausage sizzle or a large food and wine festival. However, preparing and selling food requires very careful handling and preparation for reasons of hygiene and safety.
Associations that are planning to organise temporary food stalls need to obtain a permit from their local council. Councils will also be able to provide the association with general guidelines on preparing and selling food. Ask to speak to the environmental health officer.
Food Standards Australia New Zealand also have fact sheets for charity and community based organisations on matters relating to food safety, including a specific fact sheet on sausage sizzles and barbeques.
Serving alcohol at fundraising events
If a fundraising activity or event includes selling and supplying alcohol, it will be necessary to obtain a liquor licence. Associations organising fundraising events at which liquor will be sold will need to apply for an occasional licence. This is a licence for people/associations that do not hold any other licence under the Liquor Control Act 1988.
An occasional licence permits the sale of liquor at a function, which means a 'gathering, occasion or event, including a sporting contest, show, exhibition, trade or other fair or reception, at which liquor is sold and supplied.
For more information about these licensing requirements, associations should contact Racing, Gaming and Liquor:
Telephone: 6551 4888
Address: PO Box 8349 Perth Business Centre WA 6849