Street collection guidelines

Last updated: 20 November 2024

Street collections must be carried out strictly in accordance with the guidelines established for the conducting of such appeals.

  • Collections are only to be made upon the day, between the hours and within the area specified on the Permit issued.
  • Each person assisting or taking part in the collection shall have written authority in the form of an approval badge, signed by the person whom the Permit has been issued. Such signed badge shall be worn in a conspicuous position.
  • No person under the age of 16 years shall act as a collector, except with the authority in writing of the Minister.
  • In the interest of the welfare of children, no pre-school or primary school age child are allowed to participate in collections.
  • Each collection tin shall be sealed, consecutively numbered and issued by the person to whom the Permit has been granted. Change should not be given at any collection.
  • Each collection tin shall have prominently displayed the name of the fund for which the collection is being made and the date of such collection.
  • No payment or reward shall be given directly or indirectly, to any persons or collector connected with the appeal, except such payments as are shown in the application made for the Permit and approved by the Minister.
  • When issuing collection tins please impress upon collectors the necessity for the return of such tins direct to the collection depot. On no account should tins be taken home by any collector. 
