How to go about selling your home

A tenant who wishes to sell their park home while it is in place at a residential park must first advise the park operator. A tenant may decide to appoint an agent.

A ‘for sale’ sign may be displayed, but it must comply with any terms of the tenancy agreement or park rules that reasonably restrict the size or placement of a ‘for sale’ sign’.

Buyer disclosure notice

A seller, or their agent, must give a potential buyer the approved form, buyer disclosure notice. This notice lets the buyer know they are purchasing the home only and must separately negotiate a long-stay agreement with the park operator if they wish to keep the home on-site and live within the park.

Park operator obligations

A park operator is not allowed to hinder or obstruct the sale of a home and cannot unreasonably refuse to enter into an agreement with a buyer. However, a park operator may refuse to enter into an agreement on reasonable grounds, for example, if the buyer does not meet the criteria for tenants entering the park, such as age requirements. If a park operator refuses to enter into a long-stay agreement with a buyer, the tenant can make an application to the State Administrative Tribunal.
