Funeral directors operating in WA must follow pricing and contract rules when offering funeral services.
A funeral director is a person who provides funeral goods and services in connection to providing a funeral.
Funeral pricing
Consumers must be able to easily access funeral prices, compare services and make better informed choices about burials and cremations.
Funeral directors must have available a list of funeral information, services, prices and packages to consumers in a way which is easy to read and understand under the Funeral Pricing Code.
A compliance checklist and a funeral price list template have been developed to help funeral directors meet the Funeral Pricing Code’s requirements.
Pre-paid funerals
Pre-paid funeral code provides some security to consumers investing in a pre-paid funeral contract. The code applies to pre-paid funeral contracts since 1 March 2021.
Further information
If you have further queries in regards to the Funeral regulation, contact Consumer Protection on 1300 30 40 54 or by email
Funeral pricing
Pre-paid funerals