Motor vehicle dealers licensing

Last updated: 25 November 2024

A motor vehicle dealer is someone who:

  • carries on the business of buying or selling vehicles; or a financier; or a car hire operator.
  • sells or exchanges four or more vehicles in any 12-month period to or with persons who are not dealers.

Types of motor vehicle dealing in Western Australia

You need a motor vehicle dealer licence if you

  • make a business out of buying and selling vehicles;
  • act as an agent for others for the purpose of buying of selling cars. This includes selling by auction;
  • act as a financier for the purpose of buying or selling cars; or
  • operate a car rental business.

You need a motor vehicle yard manager licence if you are employed by a dealer to manage or supervise his/ her business of buying or selling vehicles on his/ her premises.

You need a motor vehicle salesperson licence if you are employed by a dealer in his/ her business of buying or selling vehicles on his/ her premises; but you are NOT the yard manager.

Need help applying for a licence?

Please contact the Licensing Branch by telephone on 1300 30 40 64 (within Australia) or email if you need any further information. 

Download the Buying or selling motor vehicles? You may need a licence! flyer.
