Managing site agreements

Last updated: 20 November 2024

Park operators must provide prospective long‑stay tenants with the following disclosure documents:

  • a copy of the proposed agreement, whether for a fixed or periodic term for on-site home or site only arrangement;
  • a disclosure statement;
  • a copy of the information booklet on park living;
  • a copy of any park rules that apply to the residential park;
  • a property condition report for the condition of the relocatable home and/or the rented site;
  • a written schedule showing the amounts and types of fees and charges that apply; and
  • information on how any exit fee or voluntary sharing arrangement operates.

If the prospective tenant is only renting the site and not the home (i.e. site-only agreement), the park operator must provide the disclosure documents at least five (5) working days before the agreement is entered into. For tenants renting the site and the home (i.e. on-site agreement), the documents must be provided before the agreement is entered into.  The documents can be supplied as a hard copy or electronically.

A park operator is also responsible for ensuring the site can be legally used as a residence as opposed to a ‘short-term’ stay, is vacant when a new tenancy is taken up, and has sufficient keys to the amenities, gates or other communal areas provided to new tenants.
