Changes to the rules, names or objects of an incorporated association can only be made by passing a special resolution at a general meeting. The publications and videos on this page will assist the association to review, update and lodge the rules.

Changes of rules work book

To get started download your change of rules workbook including step by step instructions to help associations review and update their rules.

Writing the rules

  • Schedule 1 checklist (on page 13 of Transition Pack 3) can be used to assess the existing rules and identify what changes are required.
  • What’s in the rules:  Explaining Schedule 1 – detailed information about each of the Schedule 1 items to be included in the rules.
  • Model Rules - This standard set of rules meets the requirements of the Act and the association will only need to insert details of its name, objects and purposes, financial year and quorums. 

You can also download a table identifying where each of the schedule 1 matters can be found in the model rules.

Voting on the changes

Special resolutions

A special resolution will need to be passed at a general meeting to adopt the new rules. To pass a valid special resolution:

  • Written notice must:
    • be given to all members in the time and manner required under the existing rules;
    • ​include the wording of the proposed special resolution members will be voting on.
  • There must be a quorum present at the meeting; and
  • ​At least 75% of the members who cast a vote at the meeting must be in favour of the resolution (this may include proxies or postal votes if the current rules allow).

Changing your rules videos

Three short videos have been developed to show you the three keys steps in changing your rules. 

These videos are combined into a playlist.  However, you can watch a specific video in the playlist by clicking on the 'list' icon on the top left of the video screen and selecting the video you wish to watch.

Step 1: Review the rules

This video includes information about the Schedule 1 requirements and other updates to the rules that may be required to ensure the rules comply with the Act.

Step 2: Updating the rules

This video provides information about updating the existing rules and using the model rules.

Step 3: Voting on the new rules

This video includes step by step instructions to pass a special resolution to adopt the new rules.


Lodging the rules

The new rules must be lodged with Consumer Protection within 1 month of being passed by the association. The application can be lodged using AssociationsOnline.

Have the following ready when you complete your application:

  • The date of the meeting where the new rules were adopted;
  • Be clear whether the association is using its own rules or the model rules. Remember that any change to the content of the prescribed model rules will mean the association has adopted its own rules;
  • If the association is using its own rules:
    • attach a copy of the new rules (PDF or word document); and
    • complete a Schedule 1 checklist identifying where each of the items have been addressed in the rules; and
  • The lodgement fee. You will need a credit card (VISA or Mastercard) to lodge an application online. If you intend to pay by cheque and money order the application will need to be submitted in hard copy format.

Watch the video: How to notify the department of a change of rules for step-by-step instructions for lodging the change of rules using AssociationsOnline. 

