Associations information statement

Last updated: 25 November 2024

Every incorporated association must submit an association’s information statement (AIS) every year.  The AIS is a short online form that asks basic questions about an incorporated association’s operations to confirm that it is still active and eligible to remain incorporated.

Why an incorporated association must complete an Associations's Information Statement

Incorporated associations have an obligation under section 156 of the Associations Incorporation Act 2015 (the Act) to provide information to the Commissioner. Completing the AIS is the way that associations meet this obligation.
The information provided in the AIS helps confirm that it is still active, eligible to be incorporated and has held its Annual General Meeting (AGM).

When an incorporated association does not submit its information statement for two or more years, we may believe it is no longer operating and take action to cancel its incorporation.

What we ask for

The AIS asks questions about the incorporated association, its activities and some basic financial information to help confirm that the incorporated association is operational and complying with its obligations.

Associations do not need to provide copies of meeting minutes, financial reports or details of the association’s members or committee of management as part of completing the AIS.

To find out what you will be asked and how to complete the AIS, please refer to the Guidance on completing an AIS.

When to submit

Information statements must be submitted within six (6) months after the end of an association’s financial year. Associations and clubs can choose their own financial year, so the due date for submitting the statement may differ between groups. For example: 

Information statement due dates
Association’s financial year ends on:Info statement due by:
1 October 2022 to 30 September 202331 March 2024
1 January 2023 to 31 December 202330 June 2024
1 May 2023 to 30 April 202331 October 2024

How to submit

To complete an AIS, you will need to log in to AssociationsOnline.  Ensure you have an AssociationsOnline user account that is linked (connected) to the incorporated associations you are authorised to act for.

For further information on how to create an AssociationsOnline user account, linking and using AssociationsOnline, please refer to our Help for using AssociationsOnline webpage.

Correcting errors

If you identify a material error in the AIS, your association has submitted, an Information Statement Form will need to be completed with the corrected information. Foward the form in an email requesting the amendment to


Associations that are also charities registered with the Australian Charities and Not for Profits Commission (ACNC) may be exempted from providing the AIS if they submit the ACNC’s information statement by the due date.

To be exempted, when completing the ACNC’s statement, the incorporated association should:

  • Ensure that the reporting period in the ACNC’s statement matches with the association’s financial year end date stated in its rules and recorded with Consumer Protection;
  • answer 'Yes' when asked if your charity is an incorporated association, and after selecting WA as the state in which your association is incorporated provide the incorporated association registration number (IARN); and
  • complete all questions in the State and Territory reporting section (do not leave any answers blank)

Note: Exempted incorporated associations must continue to notify Consumer Protection of any changes to their name, rules (also called the constitution), status and contact addresses.

Guidance on completing the AIS

The following will help you find the information you need to have on hand and how to complete the AIS.

Section A: Incorporated associations particulars

This section of the AIS asks for basic information about your incorporated association.

Section B: Reporting and regulatory obligations

This section of the AIS asks for basic information about your incorporated association’s regulatory obligations.
