If the estimated value of goods is more than it would cost for you to remove, store and sell the goods at public auction, you must store the goods immediately in a safe place and manner for at least 60 days.
Within seven days of storing the goods, you must try and notify the tenant using one of the following methods:
Keep a record of these forms in case you need to prove you have performed these actions in court.
Someone with a lawful right to the goods may reclaim them within the 60 days, or after that time if they remain unsold, after paying your reasonable removal and storage costs. Goods not claimed within 60 days must be sold at public auction and you are entitled to claim the costs incurred for their removal, storage and sale.
The balance must be paid into the Rental Accommodation Fund via an application to the Magistrates Court using Form 11 - Proceeds of sale of abandoned goods. This will discharge your liability in respect of the funds. If you are owed money from the associated tenancy, such as rent, damages etc., you can use the Form 11 to claim the costs from the money deposited.
You cannot seize the tenant's goods or property as compensation for rent they may owe. If you are in dispute with the tenant over abandoned goods or unpaid rent and you cannot resolve the issue, you can make an application for a hearing in the Magistrates Court nearest to the property. Court forms are available from the court nearest to you or through the Magistrates Court website.